Positive displacement pumps

Internal Gear Pump R


The internal gear pumps type R are positive displacement rotary pumps. The capacity is directly proportional to the rotation speed. This robust pump is very
successfully used for pumping high viscous liquids like for example bitumen.


  • Self-priming
  • Heating optional
  • Safety valve optional
  • ATEX optional
  • Simple and robust construction
  • In-line version available


  • This pump can be made of stainless steel 1.4408 (AISI 316), cast iron EN-GJL-250 and nodular cast iron EN-GJS-400
  • Shaft sealing alternative with mechanical seal, stuffing box or magnetic drive. The materials and the execution of the mechanical seal, packing or magnetic drive in accordance to the liquid.

Tech­nical data:

  • Q max.: 350 m³/h
  • Viscosity: up to 100.000 mm²/s (cSt)
  • Ma­x. nominal pressure: PN16 (16 bar)
  • Tem­pe­ra­ture liquid: -60 to 300°C
  • Connections: DN40 - DN250

Rotary Lobe Pump B


Lobe pumps of series “B” are positive displacement rotary pumps. The capacity is directly proportional to the rotation speed. Two synchronously driven rotors are rotating in a casing. This design provides a very gentle pumping of fluids.


  • Heating optional
  • Safety valve optional
  • ATEX optional
  • Series B with flexible coupling, Series BE monobloc design
  • Pumping in both directions
  • Self-priming
  • Easy and simple cleaning (SIP, CIP)
  • Countless versions and options available 


  • All hy­draulic parts are made of stain­less steel AISI 316. Spe­cial al­loys and sur­face hard­en­ings avail­able on re­quest.
  • Shaft seal­ing al­ter­na­tive with me­chan­i­cal seal, stuff­ing box or spe­cial lip seal. The ma­te­ri­als and the ex­e­cu­tion of the me­chan­i­cal seal, pack­ing or lip seal in ac­cor­dance to the liq­uid.

Tech­ni­cal data:

  • Q max.: 300 m³/h
  • Vis­cos­ity: up to 110.000 mm²/s (cSt)
  • Nom­i­nal pres­sure: PN10 (10 bar), PN20 (20 bar) op­tional
  • Tem­pe­ra­ture liq­uid: -40 to 200°C
  • Con­nec­tions: DN25 - DN200

Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump DDA


The air operated double diaphragm pumps of type “DDA” are used for pumping a variety of different liquids (mainly chemicals), without abrasive, coarse or extended solids. These pumps can be installed submerged in the pumped liquid. The DDA pumps are self-priming. And they can be used for thin and viscose fluids. This series contains special pumps for food industry named “DFA”.


  • ATEX op­tional
  • Self-prim­ing
  • Capable of dry running
  • No shaft seal needed


  • The air operated double diaphragm pumps are made of PP (glass fiber reinforced polypropylene), PVDF, carbon fiber filled PVDF, Aluminium or stainless steel AISI 316 (AISI 316 polished - FDA).

Tech­ni­cal data:

  • Q max.: 40 m³/h
  • H max.: 70 m

Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump Phoenix


The air operated double diaphragm pumps of type Phoenix are used for pumping a variety of different liquids (mainly chemicals), without abrasive, coarse or extended solids. These pumps can be installed submerged in the pumped liquid. The Phoenix pumps are self-priming. And they can be used for thin and viscose fluids. This series contains special pumps for food industry named Phoenix Food.



  • Self-prim­ing
  • Ca­pa­ble of dry run­ning
  • ATEX op­tional
  • No Shaft seal needed


The air operated double diaphragm pumps are made of Polypropylen, Cunductive Polypropylen, Cunductive PVDF, Acetal, Conductive Acetal, Aluminium, or stainless steel AISI 316.


Tech­nical data:

  • Q max.: 60 m³/h
  • H max.: 80 m
  • Vis­cos­ity: up to 50.000 mm²/s (cSt)
  • Temperature: liquid: -20°C to 95°C
  • Connections: ¼ “ to 3 “